Welcome to Vauxhall Primary School's Rights Respecting Team 12 page!
Introducing our Rights Respecting Team 12 members (School Council)
We are a Gold Rights Respecting School and have been learning about Children’s Rights for a number of years now.
We are called Team 12 because Article 12 is about the right to have your voice heard. We meet regularly, usually every Friday to talk about Rights and how to make the school a better place. We then share our ideas with the school’s Senior Leadership team, so that we can work together to make the changes happen. Recently, we advocated for some changes to our school menu that we are very excited about.
We have a whole school rights assembly every Thursday, but classes also have rights assembly too.
Team 12 do Learning Walks around the school to check Class Charters and ensure everyone is learning more about Rights. The displays around our school have obvious links to the articles we have been learning about.
We have written a whole school reflection that has our Core Values, which include being respectful to everyone.
Maryam, Yahya & Alisa - For and on behalf of Team 12